
Fight Club Rule #5:

5. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me seven times, shame on me.


  1. LMAO! How many times are we going to let the apes win? I could not believe it when I heard they were going to the simian well yet again. I mean the apes in here are using axes and spears and beating guys with bazookas, guns and tranquilizers. WTF? And when is Andy Serkis going to get a human, non-motion capture role?

  2. I know! That's what I was thinking. What's the point, if we know what's going to happen anyway. Plus...apes? Really? They're going to try very hard to make a mankilling ape a convincing protagonist in an action film. As much as I love Andy fucking Serkis.

  3. Haha, This is going to be a dud. It is always nice to see John Lithgow and Brian Cox in a movie though.

  4. "No, really....this one's gonna be better! Just give us your money this last time!"

  5. "fool me seven times" ha. yep. Couldn't be said any better!

  6. @ Ty--Word to that. It is always depressing to see good actors in shit movies, especially high concept shit movies.

    @ Dylan--LMAO! Now THAT I couldn't have said better myself. I'm pretty sure that's in the tagline.

    @ Brent--Exactly. Why, Planet of the Apes, WHY?


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