
Interview With A BAMFire.

Alright, maybe that one is a bit of a stretch. Still, exciting news--thanks to a shout-out from my homie, filmsRruss, I landed a spot on Bubbawheat's Follow Friday. What's Follow Friday, you ask? It's an excellent Friday feature on Bubbawheat's superhero movie blog, Flights, Tights, and Movie Nights, where he interviews a movie blog a week, and the interviewee suggests a movie blog for next week, and so forth. He asks some fun questions and just lets you run with it, so give the guy a hand and check out The Smoking Pen interview, where I explain the meaning of life, the universe, and everything. I also put in a good word for Criminal Movies, be sure to look back for his interview next week!

Now back to frothing over Prometheus.


  1. very cool interview! I appreciate the mention too! What an awesome surprise on both counts.

  2. I should change the screenshot to a screenshot of this post so it's like blogception. I think you might have done better with the title if you went with "BAMFpyre" for some old school flavor. Thanks again for taking the time to answer my questions, was a lot of fun checking this site out and I'll be sure to stop by again from time to time.

    1. Bloception! That needs to happen. And you're right about the old school bit. Trust me, I was happy to! It was lots of fun. Looking forward to see what else you come up with!

  3. Killer interview. What a great site and now I'm following. Saw the Prometheus trailer on the bigs today at MIB III. Drooling even more now.

    1. Thanks! It is a great site, isn't it? Always Prometheus drool. Always.

  4. Nice interview. I feel so much wiser when when the meaning of life, the universe, and everything was explained to me. :)

    1. Thanks homie! You heard it first from Douglas Adams, second from me.


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