Before there was
Driver, there was the Transporter. Frank Martin is a no-nonsense transporter who will serve as a getaway driver as well as deliver a couple less-than-savory packages. He's slick, he blunt, and he has rules that cannot be broken. Rule #1: when it's a deal, it's a deal. Rule #2: no names. Rule #3: don't open the package. However, when the package thrown in his drunk starts squirming and crying out for help, he can't quite help but bend the rules a little. Especially when she turns out to be a smoking hot bound and gagged Asian chick. Which is when all hell breaks loose in a top-speed, knuckles bared, fight for their lives. So sorry, Ryan Gosling, save the art deco for Andy Warhol, this is how you do a motherfucking movie about getaway drivers.
Jason Statham gets all the bitches. |
I'm not going to say it's perfect. There were a couple bumps on the road, to put it nicely. The bad guys, for one, could have kicked it up a gear. The head honcho turned out to be the father of our bound and gagged Asian, Lai, who looked a shit ton like Michael Jackson on a bad day. And, alright, daddy issues, I can root for that. It worked for
Star Wars, we can do it again, right? And, of course, they had the complimentary American bad guy just so we don't get completely confused because what the hell is this, some foreign movie? They called the American "Wall Street", but that was about the only badass thing going for him. Other than that, he had no scars or no signature weapon, nothing that really set him apart as an awesome henchmen, so I couldn't really get into him.
The good guys, however, were something else. First off, Frank Martin. Played by Jason Statham. Just the words "Jason Statham" should give you automatic faith in the movie. Which isn't to say he hasn't played in a couple crap movies, he's done his share of crap. But the dude is just so fucking entertaining it's hard to be disappointed in him. The camera likes him. And he always delivers exactly what you expect from him--a solid performance that is exactly one thing: Jason Statham. He plays Jason Statham in every movie and we've just gotta love him for him. To top it off, Frank Martin is a character that we haven't seen the likes of in a while. Sure, he's got the swagger of an anti-hero, always treading that neutral territory between bad and good. But he's got some heart, and something that we haven't witnessed since the 90s--he
doesn't actually kill anyone. Really. Watch the movie. Do people die in good, bloody gore? No. They just kind of...fall down and don't get back up. And the ones he does leave standing usually go white with fear and turn tail in the other direction. In the age of slow-motion kills when we get to watch superheroes themselves slice a coin through the bad guy's skull, there is something almost
nostalgic in this movie. Something actually nice about the hero an actual hero and performs badass stunts but does it with a little mercy and a lot of style.
Image from |
As for the stunts, I've got to say. The action scenes were a heck of a lot of fun. I mean, c'mon. Jason Statham--sorry--Frank Martin
literally engages in a bit of oil wrestling with about five other guys and slips and slides all over the floor, kicking all their asses. Really, what more can you want? There's just some really brilliantly choreographed fight scenes--and we're talking hand-to-hand combat, mind you. Not a simple draw-a-gun-and-done. Mixed martial arts is always the way to go.
As a side note, there was one downside to the action. And that was the music. Who the fuck compiled this score? It's weird, it's out of place, and it doesn't get me pumped. There are some genres you can get away with bad music. Dramas, occasionally, especially when it's that Victorian-era crap. Comedies don't always need a good score if the jokes sell it for them. But action films. You need good, choreographed action, and a good soundtrack to pump it up. If you want me adrenaline going, give me something to ride it on. I don't know about you, but I don't work out to elevator music. It's
Fratellis or bust. The point is, you can make the best action movie ever, but if you don't have a score supporting it, it's going to trip and fall on its face. And that, unfortunately, was the fate of
The Transporter.
Still. Bad score aside, I've got to give credit where credit is due. And that credit lies in Lai, played by Shu Qi. I'm sure there are plenty reasons not to like her, but I couldn't help but be charmed by the girl. I mean, she spends the first half of the movie tied to a chair with duct tape on her mouth, rolling around trying to escape. She's incredibly endearing, especially for action movie eye candy. Badass action scenes aside, I've got to say, I think my favorite parts of the movie were when Frank was trying to maneuver around her. Whether she was stuffed in his trunk or unable to keep her mouth shut, the two had good chemistry together and they milked it.
Honey badger don't give a shit.
At the end of the day, this is just a fun as hell movie. Good action, good eye candy, and good Jason Stathem. I might've been disappointed if I'd caught this one in theaters, but as a rental or a caught-it-while-it-was-on-tv, it makes for good, brainless fun.
I'm afraid I've never been a fan of Jason Statham. Apart from Snatch where his "You muppet/You slag" cockney accent works I've pretty much hated every film he's been in; I just don't think he's an action star. He reminds me of a young Phil Mitchell (Eastenders) with out the beer gut. "Wos gaaan on?"
ReplyDeleteJason Statham is definitely a love him or hate him kind of guy. When I think of him, first and foremost I think of his Guy Ritchie work, Snatch and Revolver especially, so I've got a soft spot for him. I've got no idea who Phil Mitchell is, but from your description, it sounds like a good thing!
ReplyDeleteApologies for the random Phil Mitchell comment. Eastenders is a London Soap Opera, I'm not sure if Barbara Windsor (of Carry On fame) is still in it as the landlord of the local pub. Phil Mitchell is/was (you can tell I watch it eh?) one of the balding middle-aged sons of Barbara Winsdor's character. Oh God! I've just remembered. A few years ago there was a storyline about who shot Phil Mitchell! That shows how nice a character he was!
DeleteAHAHAHA! Comparing Jason Statham to a balding middle-aged character in a London Soap Opera is amazing. I think I can officially grasp your dislike of Jason Statham now.
DeleteI held off seeing this for a long time - then finally watched it after the third one came out - I mean - if enough people saw two movies so they made a third - then it must be worth a look, right? Well, there were some good moments, and Statham is okay in the role. But man I HATED this movie. I'll just pick two bits - the car somehow magically going either through the guard rail to jump down onto the street below, or going up and over it. That's as bad as the bus in Speed having its front end magically jump up just as it jumps. And the bad guys fire a missile at his house: Shhhhhhh-boom! He heads for the basement and his escape. A second missile is fired. Shhhhhhh-boom! The house is coming down. A third missile will DEFINITELY kill him, and he's nowhere near ready to go. Oh! They fired it! Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh(take a breath)hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh(flying in circles and back to the launcher for a moment because it forgot its keys)hhhhhhhhhh - oh, he's gone - boom!
ReplyDeleteHATED this movie.
Alright, just from the sound effect used in this comment, you officially have to write up a review of this movie now. I command you. Because it's a known fact that everyone's best reviews are usually in the movies they loath, and this comment itself had me chuckling. DO IT.
DeleteIt is good brain candy. I enjoyed the hell out it, but I am glad I never paid to see this. Jason Statham looks good kicking ass yet appearing as though he's been thinking three steps ahead of the baddies.
ReplyDeleteI do agree about the crap music. Blech!
Agreed--it's brain candy for sure. I think the fact that I caught it on TV rather than spent money to see it in the theaters definitely gave the movie a little slack.
DeleteAnd really. Who does an action movie and gives it a bad score? That's like training a top fighter just to cut off one of his arms right before he goes into the ring.
Good write-up.
ReplyDeleteThought this was a lot of fun. Saw it in theaters (can't believe that was 10 years ago! Haha!)
The bit when he ran up and kicked down the door was really changed my life. Haha.
Thanks! Good to know you enjoyed it even after you saw it in theaters. Jason Statham will change your life...for better or worse.
ReplyDeleteIt was a fun movie. Exactly what it aimed to be. Statham won't likely ever win an Oscar but he's perfect for this stuff, a likeable action hero who doesn't take himself too seriously and most importantly always seems to be having fun.
ReplyDeleteMy point exactly. He knows exactly what roles he's stereotyped into, and he plays them perfectly. Hell, if I could make a career out of delivering clever one-liners and smashing heads in, I'd do it too.